Terms of Service – Accelerator Websites

Accelerator Websites are provided by ThriveFuel, LLC.  These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your access to and use of the Accelerator Websites (“Product”). Please read these Terms carefully, and submit a support request if you have any questions. By accessing or using our Product, you agree to be bound by these Terms.


We will design and implement a Web site at your domain based on the information you provide us in your intake form. Upon your approval, the site will be moved from the test area and installed live.

Any materials you give us to post or use on your site that are your original copyright will remain your original copyright and will not be affected by this agreement.

As a subscriber of this product, we grant you a limited non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to the written content and graphic materials that that we provide with your Product during your subscription period. Your subscription period runs from your initial payment date to 30 days after your final payment date. You agree and shall NOT share, give, sell, or transfer the product materials to anyone else, including contractors, vendors, or employees of your firm. You agree to stop using our written content and graphic materials once your subscription period ends. The site offered as a SaaS (software as a service) based product and is not transferable in whole or in part to any other provider or host.

No part of product materials may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted in any form or by any means – including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, and recording – beyond the license agreement without prior written permission from ThriveFuel, LLC.

The site will be written on a WordPress platform. The terms of the WordPress license are here: http://wordpress.org/about/license/ and you agree to these terms.

The site will be hosted within our private hosting environment.

If you signed up for Web Pro and up and will be using our SEO Dashboard, you agree to SEMrush’s Terms of Use: https://www.semrush.com/company/legal/terms-of-use/

Access to your hosting account and your WordPress dashboard will be enabled by providing you with login URLs, user names, and passwords. You agree that you will not reveal these login details to any other person and will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personnel do not reveal their login details to any other person.

Your Responsibility

You will be responsible for completing the items we request from you accurately and completely. These items and any other items that we obtain from you will be based on information provided by you and will be used without any further verification or investigation on our part.

You will also be responsible for reviewing the copy and correcting any errors or misleading statements about you.

We do not recommend nor do we support WordPress forms on your website. We will add them for you if you insist, and you are responsible for making sure they work. Instead we recommend you use a CRM with forms capability or an email marketing system with opt-in capability.  These are much better lead collection solutions.

If you choose to display any Intuit trademarks on your site, you take full legal responsibility for doing so.  You agree to notify us immediately when any QuickBooks certification expires so we can remove the badge from your website.  You agree to these guidelines published by Intuit: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/en-us/proadvisor-program/quickbooks-proadvisor-program-member-guide-for-brand-use/00/370063 and you take full responsibility for ensuring your website meets the terms of your ProAdvisor Agreement.   https://quickbooks.intuit.com/content/dam/intuit/quickbooks/i18n/en/ca/Add_Accountant/pdf/QuickBooks_ProAdvisor_Agreement_US_CA_AU_120318.pdf

We have not been requested to discover errors, misrepresentations, fraud, illegal acts, or theft, and therefore, have not included any procedures designed or intended to discover such acts, and you agree we have no responsibility to do so.

Customer Service

Support is included at no additional charge while you are hosting your website with us. This includes questions about your service to the extent they are not marketing or training questions, although I think you’ll find we are quite liberal with many of our answers. Examples of items not included are WordPress training other than the videos we provide and advanced marketing advice.
If your site is down, you receive a cease and desist or other legal notice, or have another pressing issue, the fastest way to get to us is to submit a support request by clicking the button below:


Please be as specific as possible when describing your issue. You are welcome to call, but we do not answer the phone during non-business hours, so it is usually faster to email us.


We will begin building the Product upon Purchaser’s initial monthly payment. Purchasers agree to pay their monthly payments in full and on time. If they do not, we reserve the right to suspend them from the product until payments are collected.
If full payment is not collected within 90 days of the due date we will take down your web site and turn the account over for collections and the past-due payments will appear on your credit reports. Purchaser shall reimburse ThriveFuel, LLC. for any additional collection fees, accounting fees, processing fees, and legal fees incurred to collect past due payments of member.


The terms of this agreement begin on the date you purchase the Product and will continue on an as needed basis or until either party terminates the agreement. This engagement is made on a time-and-materials, best-efforts basis. ThriveFuel, LLC. may terminate or suspend your account at any time, with or without cause or notice to you. Upon termination, you continue to be bound by the License, Intellectual Property, No Warranties, and Payment sections of these Terms.


Purchasers may cancel anytime. There is no annual obligation and no setup fee. Purchasers must cease using all ThriveFuel, LLC. product materials upon completion of their cancellation. Any and all copies of product materials in the possession of former Purchasers must be deleted. There are no refunds and cancelations made within 10 days of your next billing cycle shall incur an additional billing period.

Applicable Laws

You agree to comply with all applicable laws in relation to your website service use.

No Warranties

We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, with respect to the goods or services provided hereunder, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You acknowledge that we have not made and you are not relying upon any representations or promises of performance except those expressly set forth in these terms.


You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all claims, including but not limited to, negligence, negligent misrepresentation, or breach of contract, made by third parties based in whole or in part on a claim that such party was damaged as a result of any act by you or us related in any way to the product.

No Manufacturers Warranties

We may recommend a purchase and installation of computer or technological hardware, software, communications, or services by your company. Warranties, to the extent they exist, are provided only by the manufacturer/vendor of those computer products. We specifically disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the functionality or capability of the computer products installed by you, any third party vendor, or us as part of this engagement.


We care about the security of our users. While we work to protect the security of your content and account, ThriveFuel, LLC. cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security measures. Please notify us immediately of any compromise or unauthorized use of your account.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California (without regard to conflict of law principles).